Upon turning 17 Donivan Berube left home and disassociated himself from the cult church of Jehovah’s Witnesses, thus bearing permanent excommunication from all family and friends. In the time since, he’s worked as an English teacher in Huaycán, Peru, librarian in Big Sur, California, international travel writer for various publishers, and taken solo long-distance bicycle tours across the United States, France, Iceland, Ireland and New Zealand. He is a recipient of the Viola Award for Excellence In Music alongside features in NPR's Morning Edition, Paste Magazine, and Vinyl Me, Please, while his writing has appeared in The Travel Almanac, Men's Fitness, American Trails, LOST Magazine, Adventure Cycling and the book 100 Albums You Need On Vinyl and Why. In 2025 he completed a two-year bikepacking marathon from the top of Alaska to the bottom of Argentina. Write to him here.